Xilvora Ink: Where Stories Come to Life

Submit Your Manuscript - Xilvora Ink

Submit Your Manuscript

Share your literary work with Xilvora Ink and take the first step toward bringing your book to life with a publisher who values your unique voice.

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for considering Xilvora Ink as your publishing partner. To ensure your manuscript receives proper consideration, please follow these guidelines:

What We're Looking For:

  • Fiction: Literary fiction, commercial fiction, mystery/thriller, fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, young adult, and children's books
  • Non-fiction: Memoir, biography, self-help, business, health and wellness, history, and current affairs
  • Poetry collections (must be complete manuscripts)

Manuscript Requirements:

  1. Your manuscript should be complete unless you're submitting non-fiction with a detailed proposal.
  2. Files should be in Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format.
  3. Use standard formatting: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or similar font, with page numbers.
  4. Include your name and contact information on the first page of your manuscript.

Please Note: We currently accept submissions only in English. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please inform us if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.

What to Include in Your Submission Email:

  1. Subject line: "Manuscript Submission: [Title] - [Genre]"
  2. Cover letter: Brief introduction, book synopsis (250-500 words), target audience, and any relevant publishing history
  3. Author bio: Brief biographical information and any publishing credits
  4. Sample chapters: First three chapters or approximately 50 pages
  5. Full manuscript: As an attachment (for manuscripts under 100,000 words) or a link to download (for larger files)

Our Evaluation Process

At Xilvora Ink, we carefully review each submission to ensure it aligns with our publishing goals and meets our quality standards. Here's what happens after you submit:


Initial Review

We assess your submission for completeness and fit with our publishing program (2-3 weeks).


Editorial Assessment

Promising manuscripts undergo a more thorough evaluation by our editorial team (4-6 weeks).


Publishing Decision

We contact you with our decision and discuss next steps for selected manuscripts.

While we review all submissions carefully, we can only respond personally to those we're interested in pursuing. If you haven't heard from us within 12 weeks, you may assume we've decided not to move forward with your manuscript at this time.

How to Submit

Email Submission (Preferred)


Send your complete submission package to our submissions team. Please follow the guidelines listed to ensure proper consideration.


+91 74157 37770

For questions about your submission or our publishing process, feel free to call or WhatsApp us during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm IST).

Response Time

We aim to acknowledge receipt of your submission within 5 business days. Our complete review process typically takes 8-12 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a literary agent to submit to Xilvora Ink?

No, Xilvora Ink accepts direct submissions from authors. While we do work with agented submissions, we pride ourselves on discovering fresh voices directly.

Is there a submission fee?

No, there is no fee to submit your manuscript to Xilvora Ink for consideration.

Do you offer advances?

Yes, for selected manuscripts we do offer advances. The amount varies based on the project, market potential, and author platform.

What if my manuscript needs editing?

We're looking for manuscripts that show promise, not necessarily those that are perfectly polished. If we see potential in your work, our editorial team will work with you to refine it.

How long does the publishing process take?

From acceptance to publication typically takes 9-12 months, though this timeline can vary based on the specific needs of each project.

Ready to Share Your Work?

We're excited to read your manuscript and explore the possibility of bringing your literary vision to readers around the world.

Submit Your Manuscript Today